Tips, Tricks, and How to Prepare for Commercial Carpet CleaningCleaning your company’s carpets is something that requires the services of a professional commercial carpet cleaner. By hiring a commercial carpet cleaning company, you receive the knowledge, experience, cleaning supplies, and manpower to get the job done. Even if your carpets are not particularly filthy, commercial carpets should be put on regular rotation for cleaning.


How often commercial carpets should be cleaned does vary. Businesses with heavy customer traffic should schedule to have their carpets cleaned approximately every six months. Businesses with less traffic may be able to get away with as long as eighteen months in between cleanings. Be sure to be attentive to any mildew, dust, mold, or dirt on the carpet. If these things are beginning to show up, it may be time to put in a call to your commercial carpet cleaner.

A Guide to Cleaning Bathrooms and How to get rid of those Nasty SmellsImagine being a client, an employee, or a visitor to a business. Having to run to the restroom, you walk in and are immediately hit with a foul smell. Now you face the choice of having to decide between whether to tolerate it or to leave. This kind of experience may not necessarily accurately represent the company to which the bathroom belongs yet it is what a client, employee, or visitor will walk away remembering.


The perception is that bad smells equal neglect. By not being attentive to cleaning your bathroom, you may be unknowingly losing customers and frustrating employees. This does not create a healthy workplace. It is a necessary step to clean, sanitize, and reduce a bathroom to odor-free, if possible.

Why Professional Cleaners don’t use Household Cleaning Products at Work There are very fine reasons as to why professional cleaners don’t use household cleaning products when they clean a commercial space. As effective as a vinegar-based solution may be at home or as highly recommended as a certain brand of cleaning products come, give it some more thought.


Among the top reasons why household cleaning products belong at home is because they can have a long-term effect on indoor air quality. As certain members of the workforce come in with fragrance allergies, some household cleaning products used in abundance are known to cultivate headaches, rashes, sneezing, and even asthma attacks. In addition, household cleaning products are generally sold in small quantities, sometimes coming in various different smells. Inconsistent smells throughout the workplace can be very off-putting. No one wants to walk from lemon to orange, to candy, to pine, and back again.


4 Tactics to Choosing the Right Commercial Cleaning Company Choosing the right professional cleaning company to oversee your property or facility is not always an easy choice. Thorough researching is oftentimes required however knowing what to look for makes the process that much faster. For property managers looking for confidence knowing they’ve selected the right commercial cleaning company, here’s four tactics we suggest employing.