Tips, Tricks, and How to Prepare for Commercial Carpet CleaningCleaning your company’s carpets is something that requires the services of a professional commercial carpet cleaner. By hiring a commercial carpet cleaning company, you receive the knowledge, experience, cleaning supplies, and manpower to get the job done. Even if your carpets are not particularly filthy, commercial carpets should be put on regular rotation for cleaning.


How often commercial carpets should be cleaned does vary. Businesses with heavy customer traffic should schedule to have their carpets cleaned approximately every six months. Businesses with less traffic may be able to get away with as long as eighteen months in between cleanings. Be sure to be attentive to any mildew, dust, mold, or dirt on the carpet. If these things are beginning to show up, it may be time to put in a call to your commercial carpet cleaner.


Prior to entertaining into any agreement with a commercial cleaning company, be sure to clarify what services they offer and if there are any additional charges not included. Most carpet cleaning companies would be happy to provide a quote and provide advice on what the most effective way is to clean your business’ carpets.


The process of preparing for a commercial carpet cleaning generally utilizes a four-pronged approach. First, there’s inspection. Nothing more than a quick walk-through is necessary to identify stains, problem spots, and other areas in need of special attention. Areas of carpeting that receive high traffic may see the material strained, requiring closer attention when cleaning. As a small business owner, if you are doing the walk-through with the commercial carpet cleaner, point out to them any specific areas that you would like to see addressed.


From there, items need to be cleared off the carpeted areas. Sometimes, items may be too heavy to move. No worries there. Clear away as much as you can. If there’s any assistance required or if your commercial carpet cleaner advises otherwise, discuss how they wish to complete their cleaning. Any unfixed furniture, personal belongings, chairs, and anything not fixed to the floor or heavy should be removed. Next, there’s vacuuming that will take place. This part of the process helps to loosen and lift surface build-up, making the more tedious parts of carpet cleaning a little easier.


The last aspect of preparation for a commercial carpet cleaning is to pin-up any drapery, including furniture skirts. Anything that touches the floor should be pinned up, ensuring they are minimum at least six inches from the surface. There are some commercial carpet cleaning companies who offer these preparation steps as part of their service so always be sure to ask!


Costs for commercial carpet cleaning vary depending on the requirements of the business space, the number of rooms, and the square footage. There are also other components that may increase or decreases costs for carpet cleaning, including the state of the carpets and any identified mold, mildew, or related issues. The great thing is that carpet cleaning does not need to be done every day so these are not costs that should add up in the long run.


For any company, carpet flooring is a gathering place for dust, food particles, chemicals, micro-organisms, and all sorts of stuff. Don’t let these things build up. Invest the time into getting carpets cleaned to improve the professional aesthetics of the space and keep the air quality clean. Doing so will keep the workplace ideal, clean, and ready to accept customers and employees.