A Guide to Cleaning Bathrooms and How to get rid of those Nasty SmellsImagine being a client, an employee, or a visitor to a business. Having to run to the restroom, you walk in and are immediately hit with a foul smell. Now you face the choice of having to decide between whether to tolerate it or to leave. This kind of experience may not necessarily accurately represent the company to which the bathroom belongs yet it is what a client, employee, or visitor will walk away remembering.


The perception is that bad smells equal neglect. By not being attentive to cleaning your bathroom, you may be unknowingly losing customers and frustrating employees. This does not create a healthy workplace. It is a necessary step to clean, sanitize, and reduce a bathroom to odor-free, if possible.


There are numerous causes behind the nasty smells of bathrooms. The bacteria found in urine is among the most common causes, as it’s known to not only end up in toilets but splash against the floors and walls. To address this, commercial cleaning supplies and services are required. Using a germicide or fungicide to wipe the floors, stall walls, and walls surrounding urinals helps to eliminate this bacteria. Furthermore, the use of urinal screens can help to prevent urine splatter in addition to helping to deodorize the air in a bathroom. Another part of the bathroom that may be causing odor are the floor drains. When floor drains are not kept wet regularly, they inevitably dry and that leaves odors from down below a way up. By regularly watering the drains, it helps to block the smells that would normally come up from the sewer feet below.


There are many areas in a bathroom that one might think odors to come from. In some cases, even the ineffective use of disinfectant cleaners can leave particularly gruesome, confusing smells. By hiring a commercial cleaner to wipe down and sanitize a washroom, they will likely know how to properly use a disinfectant. If you choose to take care of your own bathrooms, it might not hurt to do some research into what disinfectant cleaners are right for the job. Also, technique is important. Be it a germicide, fungicide, or disinfectant, these type of cleaners don’t work by spraying and immediately wiping. They require the time to sit and do their job. That’s the only way for them to work fully in killing odor-causing bacteria.


Covering up bathroom odors with air fresheners might work temporarily but it still does not address the cause. There’s a reason the commercial cleaning industry is as big as it is. For a business with employees, clients, and/or visitors coming in on a regular basis, that is a wide variety of people using the bathroom. Needless to say, to keep things clean and sanitized, a commercial cleaning company is required.


A commercial cleaning company will be able to recommend expert solutions to keeping the bathroom tidy and odor-free. Even better, they will be willing to get down on hands and knees to keep it so. Though we’ve specified the common causes for bathroom odors in this article, there are others and, in most cases, a full assessment would have to be completed before providing an accurate estimate on where the odors are coming from. Yes, eliminating bathroom odors is possible, irrelevant of source. Be sure to look into local commercial cleaning companies for more information on what you can do to help keep your bathroom in tip top shape.