Why Professional Cleaners don’t use Household Cleaning Products at WorkThere are very fine reasons as to why professional cleaners don’t use household cleaning products when they clean a commercial space. As effective as a vinegar-based solution may be at home or as highly recommended as a certain brand of cleaning products come, give it some more thought.


Among the top reasons why household cleaning products belong at home is because they can have a long-term effect on indoor air quality. As certain members of the workforce come in with fragrance allergies, some household cleaning products used in abundance are known to cultivate headaches, rashes, sneezing, and even asthma attacks. In addition, household cleaning products are generally sold in small quantities, sometimes coming in various different smells. Inconsistent smells throughout the workplace can be very off-putting. No one wants to walk from lemon to orange, to candy, to pine, and back again.


There are also some major health hazards at play when it comes to applying general household cleaners in a much larger commercial environment. In many cases, cleaning products should not be mixed. Knowing what to mix and when it’s dangerous is knowledge every commercial cleaner should have. By combining simple ingredients – such as ammonia with bleach and a pine scent to customize a unique cleaner for themselves – this creates major health hazards for other human beings in the vicinity. In addition, certain surfaces require specific cleaners to ensure that no long-term damage comes to them or that they themselves are not considered a hazard, such as in the case of slippery floors.


Using the most effective cleaning supplies comes down to standardized schedules, oftentimes divided by day, week, month, and year. Cleaning routines in commercial settings are carried out again and again, and cleaning supplies need to be consistent. Professional cleaners know how to keep a building looking its best by using the appropriate products and practices. Household cleaners are designed for the home, which is a much different space than a commercial, industrial, or office setting. Professional cleaners are generally well-versed in the types of cleaning supplies that work. To limit the spreading of germs and to kill bacteria, specific supplies and practices are required. The regular sanitizing and disinfecting of commercial environments ultimately go beyond what most household cleaners are capable of.


If you have questions about the kinds of cleaning supplies or cleaning products that your professional commercial cleaning company is using, be sure to ask. In most cases, a company won’t hesitate to tell you what they’re using and why they’ve chosen it for your space.


At the end of the day, commercial cleaning is all about the products that work well and what can be used to maintain a healthy, safe workspace. Part of the reason why eco-friendly, green cleaning supplies are all the rage in the current marketplace are for these reasons – they are effective at what they do, and super safe for human beings and the environment.


Let’s say you’re not sure about a certain cleaning product being used in your commercial space. No worry there. There may be alternatives your cleaning company can use. It never hurts to ask. So if you have any concerns, be sure to speak openly about them to a cleaning company representative. They can either provide alternative cleaning products to use or may be able to provide further information into why they’ve selected that particular cleaner.


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