How to Make an Office Break Room that encourages Communication and Team-building  Socially and culturally speaking, there is endless potential in what can be accomplished in an office break room design. Though often overlooked by management, a successful break room that fosters communication, employee introductions, and team-building can heighten productivity and profit. Instead of it being just a place to eat lunch or heat up a sandwich in the microwave, consider the opportunities that exist here. Here’s how to get the most out of your office break room.

How to Make a Work Environment accommodating to Pets  More pet-friendly work environments is not inherently a bad thing, despite what some may say. Numerous studies have shown cats and dogs to relieve stress, creative conversation, provide entertainment, and encourage physical activity. If your work environment is not quite getting the maximum motivation from employees, making it a more pet-friendly space might be something to consider.

 There might be concerns from some employees or even clients as to how appropriate it is to have cats and dogs puttering around the office. Yes, there are also allergies, possible liabilities, distractions, and pet-related accidents to consider so maybe pets every day is not the way you want to go. That said, more companies have opened their doors to pets, particularly in communities and neighborhoods where there are many pet owners. This can be as easy as putting out some dog treats, allowing customer’s pets to come into the work space, and/or scheduling one day a month or one day a quarter to encourage people to bring their pets in.

Here are the Supplies you Need for your Daily and Weekly Office Cleaning needs  Creating a checklist for office cleaning supplies ensures that inventory is replenished at the appropriate times, and that your daily and weekly office cleaning schedule continues to be adhered to.

 No matter what work environment, hygiene and cleanliness are critical to successful work performance. Though the basic supplies might be easy to list – such as hand soaps or sanitizers and trash bags – there is a lot more to cleaning a space than these. Depending on the size and needs of your business, small business owners may wish to revisit this list of office cleaning supplies to ensure their space is kept tidy throughout the week.

What we can Learn from the Industry Secrets of How Hotel Housekeepers Clean  Nowhere is there anyone more knowledgeable at cleaning than hotel housekeepers. Every year, the average hotel housekeeper will clean thousands of rooms. To get the job done most efficiently, there’s a lot of tips and tricks that any homeowner can pick up on. To help break down cleaning into more efficient patterns, here’s some of the strategies we picked up when learning how to clean like hotel housekeepers.