How to Make a Work Environment accommodating to Pets More pet-friendly work environments is not inherently a bad thing, despite what some may say. Numerous studies have shown cats and dogs to relieve stress, creative conversation, provide entertainment, and encourage physical activity. If your work environment is not quite getting the maximum motivation from employees, making it a more pet-friendly space might be something to consider.

 There might be concerns from some employees or even clients as to how appropriate it is to have cats and dogs puttering around the office. Yes, there are also allergies, possible liabilities, distractions, and pet-related accidents to consider so maybe pets every day is not the way you want to go. That said, more companies have opened their doors to pets, particularly in communities and neighborhoods where there are many pet owners. This can be as easy as putting out some dog treats, allowing customer’s pets to come into the work space, and/or scheduling one day a month or one day a quarter to encourage people to bring their pets in.


 There may be an accident

 Before you make it pet-friendly, be aware of the possibility of accidents. If a pet has never been in a workspace before, they’re going to want to explore every sight, smell, and sound. If you are a pet owner with a furry friend that has a history of urinating in inappropriate settings, bringing them to the office is evidently not so great an idea. If you do decide to bring in your pet and there is an accident, expect to have to clean it up and potentially even pay for any additional cleaning or damages caused.

 Encourage a meet and greet day


If you want to really up the spirit of the office, schedule a meet and greet day encouraging pet owners to bring their dogs to meet new acquaintances. Be sure, if you do decide to hold a meet and greet day, establish clear rules from the beginning i.e. pets always supervised, always under control, and any accidents need to be picked up after by the owner. It would be great to do this on the same day that you hold an office BBQ or some similar event, to give workers the chance to meet others and to give the dogs some other puppies to run around with!


 Essential pet-friendly items to have

 If you’re bringing pets into the office, to keep things sanitary and looking tidy, you will require some key essentials. Lint rollers are high value for pet-friendly offices, removing any pet hair that remains. Hand sanitizers are important to use after any employee has touched a pet. Deodorizers can help remove pet smell from any cubicles or spaces where there are concerns of this, emergency dog treats can be helpful in getting a pet focused, and even a spare bed in case a puppy wants to get comfy can be considered essentials to have on-hand.


Being courteous to others

 The most important thing beyond the preparation and the accommodations provided to our favourite furry friends is to understand that not everyone enjoys the company of pets. Be mindful, courteous, and professional towards others who may not see the same charm in having pets around. Clear rules need to be established that make every employee feel safe and comfortable. If there are concerns, discuss them open and honestly.

 A pet-friendly workplace is an excellent way to get employees excited about coming to work and will bring people together, creating conversation and connection among workers. For most companies one might assume, how to make a work environment more accommodating to pets is something worth exploring.