5 Places where we forget to Clean in the OfficeCommercial cleaning is deceptively difficult. Most of us tend to ignore the tough-to-clean hard spots that can fester into some major havens of bacteria. Though it’s not recommended to cut corners, we may not even know we are doing it.


Needless to say, neglecting to thoroughly clean the office is not an option when so many employees – and potentially, clients – are coming into contact with the bacteria growing here. Here is our list of ways to keep the office clean and free from any harmful effects of bacteria accumulation.


The first place that we tend to ignore and/or forget to clean in the office is under rugs. It makes perfect sense why this would be the case. It’s tough to reach and difficult to do. Any rug placed around the office should routinely be lifted and cleaned. Dust accumulates rapidly in these areas, which can attract insects in the summertime. This is why it comes recommended to vacuum and/or sweep these areas at least once per week. In a hot summer in particular, this is very important.


Small Business Commercial Cleaning Tips for the Spring SeasonSmall business commercial spaces can get cluttered like no other space can. Even over the course of a single day, small offices and similar commercial settings can fester a lot of untidiness. For spring cleaning this season, here are some basic cleaning tips to get the office feeling airy again!


Spring is a great time to get some new elements in a space and to help boost morale in the workplace. First things first. There’s nothing guarding against using plants and flowers to decorate, and bring a little bit of nature inside. By doing so, these plants can help purify the air around them. Keeping things fresh should be a key focal point every spring. Commercial cleaning is not always about wiping down surfaces and using sprays. Sometimes, it’s as easy as getting some plants in there. Considering an indoor garden somewhere or a green corner of the office might be a fun way to encourage workers to participate as well. If there is a common meeting place, such as a lunch room, this is a great place to set this up.


Spring is also an ideal time to get through some of the more seasonal cleaning tasks that might not be getting done every day. This might include wiping down surfaces that are not usually included in the daily mix, dusting throughout the office, and doing a thorough clean of the floor. Identifying and addressing problematic cleaning areas around the office is not fun but when it’s done, it can really add a lot to a room. There are even some offices who will put a fresh coat of paint on the walls, just to add a sense of newness to the space. If your work environment does not have very many windows and/or does not have much fresh air to it, switching up the look of the office can help add a fresh dynamic.


How to Remove Smells using Liquid DeodorizerSo many commercial enterprises depend on liquid deodorizer to remove smells from the office, yet few know exactly what it is and precisely how it works. Delivering long-lasting fragrance protection, the ideal liquid deodorizer should be an eco-friendly concentrated solution. Before anyone goes applying liquid deodorizer in the workplace however, here are the basics to keep in mind.


Liquid deodorizers are themselves highly fragranced, which means selecting the right deodorizer should involve knowing what smells you want in the workplace. The eco-friendly option is always water-based and light-duty. Featuring odor eliminators, typically, a commercially used liquid deodorizer will boast higher effectiveness than grocery store residential solutions. Why liquid deodorizers are so popular among commercial spaces is because of their multi-use. For example, liquid deodorizer can be mixed into shampoo to help control carpet odors, added to water for mopping, can be used as an air deodorizer right from the bottle, and can be applied as a spray on any fabrics where water does not stain.


Why Glass Cleaner is better than soap at washing WindowsDecades ago, many households might have used soap to wash windows and mirrors in the house. Today, residential and commercial properties rely on glass cleaner to do the same. Why the switch happened to glass cleaner and why glass cleaner is considered superior product to soap comes down to multiple factors.


Let’s be clear in saying that using soap to wash windows is not entirely a bad thing. It may however leave a soapy residue behind and also requires more of the product to achieve the same thing that a glass cleaner can do with less. That said, not all glass cleaners are created equal and, yes, there are some that require more effort to work. The studies that have compared glass cleaners in commercial application to soap and similar non-glass cleaner products reveals that soaps oftentimes leave a mess behind. Compare this to glass cleaner which instantly cuts through the mess and after a wipe, it leaves a sparkling window behind.