5 Places where we forget to Clean in the OfficeCommercial cleaning is deceptively difficult. Most of us tend to ignore the tough-to-clean hard spots that can fester into some major havens of bacteria. Though it’s not recommended to cut corners, we may not even know we are doing it.


Needless to say, neglecting to thoroughly clean the office is not an option when so many employees – and potentially, clients – are coming into contact with the bacteria growing here. Here is our list of ways to keep the office clean and free from any harmful effects of bacteria accumulation.


The first place that we tend to ignore and/or forget to clean in the office is under rugs. It makes perfect sense why this would be the case. It’s tough to reach and difficult to do. Any rug placed around the office should routinely be lifted and cleaned. Dust accumulates rapidly in these areas, which can attract insects in the summertime. This is why it comes recommended to vacuum and/or sweep these areas at least once per week. In a hot summer in particular, this is very important.


The second place we oftentimes forget to consider is behind electrical appliances in the kitchen. There may be a lot of heavy moving required for this one however these make for some of the dirtiest places in the office. Try to move out appliances once a week or, at minimum, twice per month. If you have hired a commercial cleaning company to do the daily rounds for you, speak with them to see what they would recommend. They may offer to do it less frequently, depending on the amount of use the kitchen is getting. That said, for larger staffs exceeding fifty, the recommended frequency is at least twice per month.


Above skirting materials is the third place in the office which can tend to get dirty rather quickly. When neglected over time, these areas can become very difficult to clean. Next is underneath tables where there is carpeting. Though these areas can be difficult to reach, mites and other insects can make their way into these areas, essentially to build nests. Commercial cleaners should already be hitting these places regularly however if they are not, it is integral to get on it as soon as possible.


The last place in the office that should be addressed routinely every month is door hinges and window sills. Though we focus a lot on handles and window panes, hinges and sills are known to attract germs. These areas also tend to accumulate dust and filth rather quickly as well.


These are the 5 places that office managers and cleaners tend to neglect when cleaning the office. If these areas have not been cleaned in your office before, it’s best to get on these unknown places asap!


Under rugs, behind electrical appliances, above skirting, underneath tables, door hinges, and window sills are well known in commercial cleaning circles for being breeding grounds for bacteria. Left to flourish, these spaces will inevitably lead to health hazards that put those in the office at risk. By cleaning these areas and others in a thorough commercial clean, you put the health of the employees first while cutting down on the spread of bacteria and disease.