Small Business Commercial Cleaning Tips for the Spring SeasonSmall business commercial spaces can get cluttered like no other space can. Even over the course of a single day, small offices and similar commercial settings can fester a lot of untidiness. For spring cleaning this season, here are some basic cleaning tips to get the office feeling airy again!


Spring is a great time to get some new elements in a space and to help boost morale in the workplace. First things first. There’s nothing guarding against using plants and flowers to decorate, and bring a little bit of nature inside. By doing so, these plants can help purify the air around them. Keeping things fresh should be a key focal point every spring. Commercial cleaning is not always about wiping down surfaces and using sprays. Sometimes, it’s as easy as getting some plants in there. Considering an indoor garden somewhere or a green corner of the office might be a fun way to encourage workers to participate as well. If there is a common meeting place, such as a lunch room, this is a great place to set this up.


Spring is also an ideal time to get through some of the more seasonal cleaning tasks that might not be getting done every day. This might include wiping down surfaces that are not usually included in the daily mix, dusting throughout the office, and doing a thorough clean of the floor. Identifying and addressing problematic cleaning areas around the office is not fun but when it’s done, it can really add a lot to a room. There are even some offices who will put a fresh coat of paint on the walls, just to add a sense of newness to the space. If your work environment does not have very many windows and/or does not have much fresh air to it, switching up the look of the office can help add a fresh dynamic.


Next, a good cleaning tip is to take the opportunity to comb through aspects of one’s personal workload that they may not be regularly interacting with. This might include answering emails, getting rid of paperwork, and combing through the file cabinet. Paying particular close attention to recycling items, it may be time to get rid of certain commercial cleaning supplies such as plastic bottles, sponges, sprayers, mops, and all sorts of items that may be showing signs of wear.


All in all, spring is the time of year when a commercial enterprise should be addressing untidiness from the winter and gearing up for the challenges of summer. There are many small business commercial cleaning tips that we can give for the spring season but ultimately it is a little different for each office.


For the best commercial cleaning supplies, search them out at Genesis Supplies. Specializing in a range of different items targeting floors, surfaces, windows, and doors, any commercial or industrial space deserves the utmost quality cleaning products. In addition, all of our products are environmentally friendly and make use of non-toxic ingredients. By choosing cleaning products through Genesis Supplies, a commercial property manager ensures they have efficiency, effectiveness, and safety on their side.


For more information on what commercial cleaning products might be right for you, be sure to speak with one of our representatives today who would be happy to point you in the right direction.