How to Clean and Maintain a Commercial Range  For domestic and commercial cooking facilities, cleaning a commercial range is a necessary part of regular kitchen maintenance. Though it may not be as prominent in its cleaning requirements as other restaurant equipment, a commercial range can get filthy fast.

 6 Ways to keep your Office Floors shiny clean Knowing how to keep an office floor clean is an art. Every day, individuals can track in mud, snow, and dirt, and trying to keep up with it is a challenge that is easily overwhelming. Be it a more industrial setting or a commercial office space, floors need to be cleaned regularly to ensure that they represent and help to establish the professionalism of their environment. Luckily, there are a number of industrial floor treatments that will keep an office floor looking shiny and clean.

How to Clean a Fitness Centre or a Gym: Keeping the Germs at Bay

 The toughest part of cleaning a fitness centre is going to be the weights and the machines. Throughout the day, even as machines and weights are being wiped down, they’re still accumulating bacteria and germs. It’s unrealistic to expect these areas to remain clean throughout the day. Regular cleanings need to happen on weights, treadmill controls, and any machine handles and bars. Be wary of cross-contamination and use disposable wipes when needed.

6 Easy Ways to Save Money on Office Products and Office Supplies Office products are a multi-billion dollar industry and yet, for some offices, they don’t take into account just how much they invest into these supplies. Every year, even a small office may spend thousands of dollars on office supplies.

 With all of the expenses that an office has to worry about, throwing money away on office supplies that it may not need is not small change. Pens, paper clicks, staples, and print cartridges all add up. For any office looking to cut down on office supply spending, here are six easy ways to do so.