An Icemelter For Roads, Driveways, Sidewalks & Steps ...
Effective to –31ºC (-25ºF)
Melts Ice Fast and at lower temperatures
Provides Instant traction and Skidproofing
An Asset To The Petroleum Industry ...
Drilling mud additive to reduce shale swelling
Additive to well completion fluids to increase density
Drying petroleum fractions since it absorbs water
An Effective Dust Control Agent ...
Reduces dust during handling and application
Absorbs moisture to bind particles together for a safe, more solid surface
Prevents dust formation by absorbing moisture from the air
A Concrete Additive ...
Helps to set concrete faster
Accelerates the hydration of mix
And More!
Brine ingredient in refrigeration systems
A tire weighting to improve traction
Helps to freeze proof and thaw bulk material
A coagulent in rubber manufacture
Used in waste water treatment