Does Commercial Cleaning really take away Germs and Bacteria from work – yes! The flu, viruses, germs, and bacteria are all responsible for unmistakable productivity losses. Commercial cleaning can be used to address germs and bacteria, removing them from the workplace and minimizing employee exposure.


So much of commercial cleaning is about going beyond keeping the workplace aesthetically clean to tackle the hidden germs and grime that build up. Doing this successfully reduces the number of sick days and thereby keeps productivity high.


Keep in mind that germs spread quite easily.  Coughing, sneezing, touching your face with hands that haven’t been recently sanitized, and even talking near to someone are all easy ways to spread germs. Workplace equipment, dispensers, computer keyboards, doorknobs, and handles all accumulate germs throughout the day. They require a thorough commercial clean daily to keep any risk at bay.


Commercial cleaners will typically recommend a few different ways to remove germs and bacteria from workplaces. For example, if an employee is sick, the best thing that can happen is for them to stay home and ensure the illness is not spread elsewhere in the office. Commercial sanitizers should also be placed throughout the office to ensure employees can use them frequently. To this point, every employee should be educated on germs and bacteria at work, and be encouraged to use the sanitizers regularly.


The primary responsibility of keeping a workplace’s germs and bacteria risks low falls on the commercial cleaner. If you are a commercial cleaning company, there are a few key things to remember. The first is to sanitize and wipe common surfaces like doorknobs, keyboards, handles, phones, and office equipment. Any place that is regularly being touched by employees is going to accumulate germs. These high traffic surfaces should be wiped down every day in response.


The most problematic room in an office germ-wise could in fact be the washroom. No commercial cleaning company employee should compromise on cleaning the washroom. Address toilets, urinals, the floor, the sink, handles, and any area that might be regularly exposed to being handled. As long as these areas are cleaned regularly, you’re doing your best to keep the bacteria confined. When one is not cleaning their office bathroom daily, that brings these germs and bacteria out, carrying them around the room and dropping them off across the various surfaces.


There’s no alternative to a thorough commercial clean every day. This is how offices create amazing and positive spaces that welcome employees in and provide them all the comfort they need to shine. Regular, thorough cleans should happen across common areas. There should also be plans in place to address the hidden dirt and contamination on equipment and areas that don’t necessarily need a daily clean.


Browsing the different ways to tackle germs and bacteria in the workplace, it’s all about minimizing the risk of transfer and doing one’s best to eliminate the germs that are there. There’s no way for an office space to be void of germs and bacteria. As long as there are human beings present, germs and bacteria will naturally permeate and there’s nothing wrong with that. In response, commercial cleaning companies need to be on the move ready to proactively tackle problematic areas and keep a workplace clean.


For more information on where to find high quality commercial cleaning supplies to keep a workplace germ-free, please visit Genesis Supplies.