How to Control Odors from Cats, Dogs, and PetsIf this is your first time purchasing a cat or dog, adopting, or fostering, know that even the prettiest of furry creatures come with their own smells. Cats and dogs both present unique smell challenges, and other smells may persist with other types of pets. Before you make the commitment to settle in with a new pet, there are some things you may want to consider.


Caring for a cat or puppy is no small feat however it’s not necessarily a huge hassle – or at least, it doesn’t need to be. The first thing in taking care of a pet is picking up after it. For dogs, they may take some time to learn outside is where they are supposed to go to pee and poop. For a kitten, they do it in a litter box which, if not scooped regularly, can lead to smells. We recommend scooping the litter box, at first, once every few days. If there is a noticeable smell emanating from a kitten’s litter box, moving it to a different, less frequented room may work. There are also odor blocking cleaning products that can be used in the room to help. If there is an accident with your pet, it’s important to clean the carpet or floor immediately. Again, there are numerous pet cleaning supplies that work well at cleaning up after accidents such as this.


The room where the litter box or animal cage is located, it is recommended to spray on a regular basis. If this is not possible, there are alternative products that can be used to absorb odors that could permeate in the home. It also makes sense ot have some pet stain and odor remover on hand in case any bed sheets or clothes be urinated on. For any carpeted surfaces, which can stain easy, odor neutralizer and stain removal is important. Regarding any hallways leading out from the rooms where a litter box or cage may be, using a time-release spray can help keep things smelling fresh even when they might not be.


The last point we want to make is with regards to any chew toys, sleeping beds, or anywhere where the pet likes to hang out. There are many odor neutralizers which can be used in these areas to help pair down any lingering odors.


Pet smells that are allowed to exist for long-term periods will inevitably lead to a very smelly house. What’s even worse is that you might not necessarily be aware of it. After all, when we live in something every day, we forget about the smells that surround us. However when a family member or friend drops in for a visit, they’ll definitely pick up on it. You don’t want your house coming across as unclean. Pets are wonderful companions and paying attention to odors in the home is a key part of taking care of a pet-friendly property. Fortunately there are numerous pet-friendly cleaning supplies and strategies one can employ to neutralize and control pet odors.


Above all else, be sure that the cleaning supplies you use are pet-friendly and do not pose a risk. Invest the time to research, ensuring cleaning products are not going to put your cat, dog, or pet in danger. Keeping the home clean and odor-neutral with pets in the space is more than possible. By cleaning regularly, it shouldn’t be difficult to reduce any lingering odors within a matter of hours.