Going Green with Your Restaurant How to Transition to Eco-Friendly Supplies

The Benefits of Making the Switch

The switch from traditional supplies to biodegradable ones doesn't have just environmental benefits; it has financial ones. By switching from single-use plastics or Styrofoam products to biodegradable alternatives, restaurants can save money by cutting down on waste management costs. Additionally, customers appreciate businesses taking steps towards sustainability and will often reward them with repeat business.


What Supplies Should I Use?

There are many types of biodegradable supplies available for restaurants. Generally speaking, paper and cardboard products are preferable because they break down quickly in the environment without releasing toxins or hazardous materials into soil or water sources. Utensils made of bamboo or other plant-based materials are also a great option because they don't harm wildlife or marine life if they end up in rivers or oceans. Additionally, straws made out of metal, glass, paper, or even hay are all great alternatives that don't require traditional plastic straws.


Making the Switch Easier

Transitioning your restaurant over to eco-friendly supplies can seem overwhelming at first, but you can make it easier on yourself and your staff. Start by listing all the items you currently use in your restaurant, and then start researching which companies offer biodegradable alternatives. Once you have compiled a list of companies that offer what you need, compare prices to get the best deal possible for your new supplies. Finally, remember that sustainability is an ongoing process—you don't have to make all these changes overnight! Take small steps towards making sure your restaurant is as green as possible every day, and soon enough, going green will become second nature for everyone involved!


Breaking Down Canada’s Single-Use Plastic Problem

Canada is often thought of as a spotless and progressive country, but we could be better when it comes to single-use plastic. We may not be the worst offenders in the world, but that doesn’t mean we don’t have a problem. We will explain why single-use plastic is such an issue in Canada and what can be done to address it.

What is Single-Use Plastic?

Single-use plastic refers to any item made of plastic that is used once and then disposed of. It includes water bottles, straws, grocery bags, utensils, packaging materials, and more. This type of plastic has become increasingly popular over the last several decades due to its convenience and low cost. Unfortunately, most of these items cannot be recycled or reused and end up in our landfills or oceans, where they can remain for centuries before breaking down.


The Impact of Single-Use Plastic in Canada

In Canada alone, it is estimated that 3 million tonnes of single-use plastics enter landfills each year. This amount does not even include the amount of plastic in our oceans or other natural ecosystems. The impact on our environment can be devastating; with large amounts of plastic entering waterways daily, marine life can become entangled or ingest the waste, leading to injury or death. Additionally, plastic debris has been known to block sunlight from reaching aquatic plants, which can disrupt entire food chains within an ecosystem. Finally, single-use plastics take hundreds if not thousands of years to degrade, anywhere from 20 to 500 years to decompose, depending on the material's structure and environmental factors such as sunlight exposure. meaning they remain a threat for generations.


What Can We Do?

Fortunately, there are ways that we, as Canadians, can help reduce our reliance on single-use plastics. Reducing your consumption of these items is one way you can make a difference; opting for reusable water bottles instead of buying new ones every day or bringing your bag with you when shopping are two simple changes anyone can make. Additionally, supporting businesses that have committed to reducing their use of single-use plastics helps create incentives for other companies to do the same and incentivizes them towards more sustainable practices. Finally, voting for politicians who prioritize environmental issues and advocate for policies to reduce single-use plastic consumption shows public demand for change, encouraging governments at all levels to act on this critical issue.

Single-use plastics are an ongoing problem in Canada with profound implications both now and into the future if left unchecked. Fortunately, there are steps anyone can take – individually and collectively – towards reducing our reliance on these products so we can work towards creating a cleaner future for ourselves and our planet! With awareness comes prevention so let’s do our part to lessen this growing issue!


Conclusion:   When going green with your restaurant, it’s essential to research what options are available and ensure that you’re getting the best deal possible when purchasing new eco-friendly supplies. Taking small steps towards sustainability daily will help ensure that both your business and our planet benefit from these changes! With biodegradable materials like paper products, bamboo utensils, and metal straws becoming increasingly easy (and affordable!) to find online - now is the time for restaurants everywhere to start transitioning away from traditional single-use plastics!


Does Genesis Supplies offer eco-friendly, biodegradable restaurant supplies?

Yes we do, Moreover, they've partnered with numerous eco-friendly commercial cleaning products companies across Canada and the United States! Whatever your cleaning requirements may be—from top to bottom—Genesis Supplies will have you covered.

Come by anytime to stock up on premium, adequate, eco-friendly, biodegradable restaurant supplies, Hotel supplies, and Office supplies. Our inventory is sure to leave you nothing less than satisfied!