How to clean a handmade Rug

Overview of cleaning a handmade rug

Handmade rugs are beautiful and can add a warm and elegant touch to any home. However, like all types of fabric, they do collect dust, grime and stains. You can clean your rug in several ways depending on the level of soiling and the material. Choose an appropriate cleaning method based on the type of rug, soil level, and fabric. Vacuuming - This is best done with a handheld vacuum using an upholstery attachment. This will help remove dust and dirt from the rug's surface. Be careful not to over-vacuum, as this can damage the fibres in the rug. Spot-cleaning - For light soiling and stains, spot cleaning is best. This is done by gently blotting the stain with a clean cloth, water (no soap), or a cleaning agent. Deep cleaning - For a regular deep clean, use a rug shampoo. This will remove ingrained dirt and grime from the fabric of the rug. You can hire specialist cleaning companies for a thorough and deep clean of your rug. They will use professional cleaning methods and equipment that are safe and appropriate for your rug's delicate fibres.

Tips for cleaning a handmade rug

Always read the care label of the rug and use this to guide you on the best cleaning method. You can also speak to a rug cleaning expert or read online guides. Here are a few tips to keep in mind when cleaning your rug: - Resist the urge to use a vacuum with a beater bar or stiff bristle brush, as this can cause damage to the rug fibres over time. - When cleaning your rug, always start at the top and move towards the floor. This will help keep the threads intact and prevent tangling and matting. - Do not over-wet your rug, as this can cause mildew, mould and rot. - If you are using a rug shampoo, always follow the instructions on the label.

DIY cleaning solutions

You can try a DIY approach if your rug only needs a light cleaning. This approach works best for light soiling and many types of rugs.

Here are a few DIY cleaning solutions suggestions:

Mix water and white vinegar. Dip a clean cloth or sponge into the solution, then wring out and wipe the rug.

Sprinkle baking soda over the rug, leave it for a few hours, then vacuum it up. This will lift dust and dirt from the rug.

Mix equal parts of warm water, white vinegar and liquid dishwashing detergent for a rug with food or drink stains. Put the rug in a bathtub and cover it with the cleaning solution. Let it sit for a few hours, then wash the rug.

Professional rug cleaning services

For thorough cleaning, you can hire professional cleaning services. Although this option is more expensive than doing it yourself, it will ensure your rug is cleaned using safe and appropriate methods. First, find a reputable rug cleaning service in your area and speak to them about the type of cleaning method they recommend. Then, follow these cleaning tips and choose the suitable cleaning method for your rug type. Generally, there are two ways to clean a rug: dry cleaning or wet cleaning. Dry cleaning is the safest and most common method, while wet cleaning may be needed for certain rugs. When hiring a cleaning service, ask which method they use.

Rug maintenance

For a healthy and beautiful rug, follow these tips: - Be careful not to walk on the rug with shoes, especially when wet. This can damage the fibres and cause uneven wear. - Protect your rug from direct sunlight and keep it away from heat sources like radiators and fireplaces. - Vacuum your rug at least once a week to keep it clean. - If your rug has light-coloured fibres, consider using a rug pad underneath it. This will help protect your floor and keep the rug in place. - If you have pets, ensure they don't chew on the rug's fibres, as this can damage the rug. - If your rug becomes soiled, don't try deep cleaning it yourself. Instead, hire a professional cleaning service or send it to a rug cleaning company.

Repairs and restoration

If your rug has become worn or damaged, you can hire a professional to restore it. This service works best with rugs that still have their original fibres. Sending them to a professional cleaning service may be more suitable for rugs with synthetic fibres. There are two ways to restore a rug: stitching and re-weaving. With stitching the rug is repaired by sewing the torn sections back together. The damaged threads are removed with re-weaving, and the rug is re-woven. Before you send your rug to a restoration service, make sure it is worth repairing. If the rug is old or has synthetic fibres, it may be better to get a new rug.


Handmade rugs are a beautiful and timeless addition to any home, adding a touch of elegance and luxury to any room. Cleaning a handmade rug is a delicate process, requiring special attention and care. However, with the right knowledge and approach, you can keep your rug looking beautiful and maintain its original condition. From vacuuming, spot-cleaning and deep cleaning, this guide will provide you with all the tips and tricks you need to ensure your handmade rug always looks its best.


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