1. Blinds and Curtains

Your blinds and curtains can collect a surprising amount of dust, pollen, and other allergens. To clean them effectively, the first vacuum them with the brush attachment to remove any loose debris. Then, wipe down each slat or panel using a microfiber cloth dampened with water or an all-purpose cleaner. For curtains, be sure to vacuum or brush them before putting them in the washing machine - this will help remove any loose dirt or debris.


  1. Ceiling Fans

Ceiling fans are another common area that gets overlooked during cleaning. To clean your ceiling fans, first, turn off the power to the fan at your circuit breaker. Then, using a microfiber cloth or duster, gently wipe down each blade. If your blades are particularly dirty, use a mild all-purpose cleaner diluted with water. Once you've wiped down the blades, use a vacuum with the brush attachment to remove any dust from the body of the fan. Finally, turn the power back on at your circuit breaker, and enjoy your clean ceiling fan!


  1. Baseboards

Your baseboards are another area that can collect a lot of dust and dirt over time. To clean them effectively, start by vacuuming them with the brush attachment to remove any loose dirt or debris. Then, using a microfiber cloth dampened with water or an all-purpose cleaner, wipe down each individual board. Be sure to pay special attention to any crevices or corners where dust and dirt tend to accumulate.


  1. The Oven

The oven is one of those appliances that we tend to forget about until it’s time to cook Thanksgiving dinner (or some other big meal). But if you don’t keep it clean, it can start to smell bad—and no one wants that! To clean your oven properly, start by removing the racks and giving them a good scrub in the sink with soap and water. Then, using a store-bought oven cleaner or a DIY solution (equal parts baking soda and water), scrub down the inside of the oven—being careful not to get any cleaner on the heating element. Once you’re finished, wipe it down with a damp cloth or sponge and put the racks back in.


  1. The Refrigerator

Your refrigerator is another appliance that can easily be forgotten about—until you go to grab something out of it and it doesn't smell good! To keep your fridge clean and smelling fresh, start by removing everything from the inside—including all of the shelves and drawers—and giving them a good scrub in the sink with soap and water; this will help remove any built-up grime or food particles. Then, using a store-bought fridge cleaner or a DIY solution (equal parts vinegar and water), wipe down the inside of the fridge—being careful not to get any cleaner on the coils (this can damage them). Once you’ve finished cleaning everything off, put all of the shelves and drawers back in and restock your fridge with food.

  1. Underneath Furniture

When was the last time you moved your couch? Or your bed? If you can’t remember, then chances are it’s been a while—which means there are probably dust bunnies lurking underneath! To clean under your furniture properly, start by moving everything out of the way so that you have access to all of the nooks and crannies. Then vacuum thoroughly—being sure to move slowly so that you don’t miss anything. Finally, using a dust mop or damp cloth/sponge, wipe down any remaining surfaces; for hard-to-reach areas, consider using an extendable duster or microfiber cloth on a pole (these are great for getting into tight spots!). Once you’ve finished cleaning under your furniture, move everything back into place and enjoy your dust-free home!




Cleaning your home can be daunting—especially if you feel like you have to do it all at once! But by focusing on one area at a time and taking care of those oft-forgotten places that tend to collect dust (like baseboards and blinds), you can keep your home looking its best without spending hours cleaning every week. So next time you find yourself reaching for the broom – take some time to focus on those neglected areas first! Your nose (and guests!) will thank you for it later!


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